Sunday, July 09, 2006

You could be our 100,000th customer!

Could we begin our celebration of 100,000 hits (in a year!?!) starting with Vincent Price and Peter Cushing together in a ripping 6 part SF yarn? You bet we could!

Two doctors (played by Price and Cushing) attend a fellow doctors' funeral in Scotland.
During their visit to the local village, they question themselves as to how he died - in their research all around the village, they soon find out that he actually died of very, very unusual causes.
Their subsequent investigations lead to a conspiracy of frightening proportions and ramifications for the entire human race.
A well thought out and inventive science fiction serial with these two classic horror stars in fine form.
It really doesn't get much better than this!
Aliens In The Mind (1) Island Genesis
Aliens In The Mind (2) Hurried Exodus
Aliens In The Mind (3) Unexpected Visitations
Aliens In The Mind (4) Official Intervention
Aliens In The Mind (5) Genetic Revelations
Aliens In The Mind (6) Final Credulations
I'll be back after the weekend....OK?
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